What affects everyone.

Sustainable Sonoma first came on the scene after the 2017 fires, because the fires affected everyone in Sonoma Valley, and Sustainable Sonoma is about what affects everyone. Now, with hot dry winds raging, many are reliving both the fear of 2017, and how the crisis connected us all together.

On October 27, 2017, two weeks after the fires were contained, 30 Sonoma Valley leaders met, representing local government, emergency response, health, education, business, environment, wine, tourism, and social services.

When leaders around that table described how the fires affected the people they serve and represent, housing was a common thread. Here's what was said...


"We need…
...more and better housing."
...affordable housing for all.”
...to rebuild better than before.”
...general plans (city and county) that are fire-ready.”
...locations in each neighborhood to act as hubs during crises.


Since then, Sustainable Sonoma has gathered values from the community through our 2018 listening sessions and facilitated ground-breaking dialog in the Sustainable Sonoma Council. Now, this week, Sustainable Sonoma is hiring several housing experts to inform a specific, actionable strategy for housing our Sonoma Valley community, built on these foundations.

These experts will convene later this fall to provide recommendations in each of three housing solution domains: 1) Actions for Government, 2) Community Based Solutions, and 3) Market or Private Sector Approaches.

The recommendations will be reviewed by the Sustainable Sonoma Council in early 2020 and be released as part of a housing strategy that can make Sonoma Valley a more thriving, just, sustainable community.

Kim JonesComment