Sonoma Valley Collaborative

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Momentum is building, for thriving people in thriving neighborhoods.

Housing, homes, and thriving neighborhoods are on Sonoma County’s mind! Our five Sonoma County Supervisors spent January 28 planning their year ahead. Their priorities include:

In February: A review of housing construction projects hoping to win some of the almost $2 million distributed by the Sonoma County Community Development Commission, an agency “dedicated to promoting decent and affordable housing, revitalizing communities, and supporting public services that increase economic stability for County residents.”

Starting in March: a mobile home rent stabilization ordinance, and the beginning of the County's General Plan update which affects just about everything in the County (for Sonoma Valley, that means every location except what’s inside the boundary of the City of Sonoma).

In April: Fee changes for subsidized housing projects, and the possible sale of the large Chanate Rd property in Santa Rosa, after the failure of proposed denser, mixed-cost residential redevelopment there. 

In June: the updated Assessment of Fair Housing for Sonoma County.

By July, the County hopes to adopt the Springs Specific Plan that will shape future uses of the Highway 12 corridor through the Springs.

Starting in August: at least two public workshops about the plan for the future of Eldridge/Sonoma Developmental Center.

September: expected large state grants for building homes at various price points, and a plaza, in Roseland Village, a lower-income, largely Latino neighborhood recently annexed into Santa Rosa.