Sonoma Valley Collaborative

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A consensus platform on housing policy from Sonoma Valley Collaborative

Sonoma Valley Collaborative's Council of almost 30 community leaders--representing Sonoma Valley's economy, equity, environmental sectors—have agreed on a working housing policy platform: a list of what we will ask for as Sonoma County and the City of Sonoma make long-term housing decisions this year.

Sonoma Valley Collaborative members and staff will be relying on this platform to speak in all its members’ names in favor of better homes for Sonoma Valley. We urge Sonoma Valley residents to echo Sonoma Valley Collaborative's platform, which consists of sensible, road-tested solutions to our housing affordability crisis.

Currently, Sonoma Valley Collaborative has practical consensus for:

  1. Rescue expiring subsidies for dozens of homes.

  2. Ease approvals and reduce costs for projects that meet Housing Declaration standards.

  3. Maximize the percentage of planned housing at SDC that is affordable to households making middle incomes and less. 

  4. Physically and visually integrate households of varying incomes and sizes.

  5. Reduce the number of whole-house vacation rentals over time.

  6. Reduce the number of second or empty homes over time.

  7. Provide protection against involuntary displacement of moderate, low, and very low income residents, including mobilehome residents.

  8. Reduce or eliminate parking requirements for new or redeveloped residential projects. At the least, “unbundle” the cost of parking at multi-unit projects so residents can choose whether to pay for parking space.

  9. Rationalize and improve the mapping of priority housing opportunity areas using best available data sources and science, for example related to fire risk.

The housing policy platform builds on our expert-informed Homes for a Sustainable Sonoma Valley blueprint, informed by findings and events since its publication. New information and discussion will likely lead to additional refinements in the platform.

Already, our coalition has submitted letters based on our policy platform to promote and support housing affordability.

  • Sonoma Developmental Center: Sonoma Valley Collaborative statements here

  • Springs Specific Plan: latest Sonoma Valley Collaborative statement here

Next up, we urge Sonoma Valley residents and stakeholders to familiarize themselves with our housing policy platform ahead of the City of Sonoma and the County of Sonoma both releasing their 8-year housing plans in July.