July 7 Housing Advocacy Workshop
On July 7, we held a Housing Advocacy Workshop where attendees, including members of the Sonoma Valley Collaborative's Council, created their own effective, personal statement to advocate for infill housing that is affordable in Sonoma Valley. Thanks to Generation Housing for partnering with us on the workshop!
If you missed the workshop, you can still download the Housing Advocacy Statement Worksheet to get ready to play an important role in influencing the Housing Elements for the City of Sonoma and Sonoma County to shape new and better housing policies.
Next Steps....
Draft housing plans will be released soon for about 30 days of public input:
City of Sonoma’s draft Housing Element, covering 2 square miles: released mid-July
County of Sonoma’s draft Housing Element, covering remainder of Sonoma Valley: released October
Once you have your statement ready, you can deliver it during the public comment period, or email or call anytime these decision-makers:
Sonoma City Council:
Madolyn.Agrimonti@sonomacity.org, 650-740-2540
kelso.barnett@sonomacity.org, 707-758-3805
jack.ding@sonomacity.org, 707-933-6568
robert.felder@sonomacity.org, 707-695-4592
sandra.lowe@sonomacity.org, 707-326-2461City of Sonoma Planning Commission staff: planningcommission@sonomacity.org. Specifically request, in your email, that your statement be forwarded to the planning commissioners.
Sonoma County Supervisor Susan Gorin, Susan.Gorin@sonoma-county.org, 707-565-2982
Sonoma County Housing Element staff: PermitSonoma-Housing@sonoma-county.org. Specifically request, in your email, that your statement be forwarded to the Planning Commissioners.
Telling your own housing story advances Sonoma Valley’s push for more inclusive housing policy. Thank you for taking this on!