Sonoma Valley Collaborative

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We reached a milestone. Help us get to the next one.

We need your support to...

  • Produce affordable infill homes

  • Preserve affordable infill homes

  • Promote affordable infill homes

We set a goal to make Sonoma Valley a place where its people can afford to live. We are proud to have helped pass the most pro-housing Housing Element in the history of the City of Sonoma. 

We won 21 of the 26 housing affordability policies we advocated for, in many cases writing the policies that the City of Sonoma adopted word-for-word in their January 2023 Housing Element. Now it will be easier to preserve and build the missing-middle and affordable, below-market-rate housing needed to make our community sustainable within City limits. The City of Sonoma is now the only city in Sonoma County to have adopted renter protection policies.

This could only happen with the unprecedented UNITED VOICE of the Sonoma Valley Collaborative. The leaders behind every logo you see here worked TOGETHER to achieve this.

There is still work to be done to make the Sonoma County Housing Element better for the people who live in the unincorporated parts of Sonoma Valley: The Springs, Glen Ellen, Kenwood, El Verano, Schellville, and the hills. And still to come are the City and County General Plans, the SDC redevelopment, the Springs Plan, and more. We need your support to...

  • Produce affordable infill homes

    • Help nonprofit housing developers' projects get built by providing liaison between developers, the City and County, and housing supporters.

    • Expand the use of the community land trust model in Sonoma Valley, to lower the costs of home ownership and rent, permanently.

  • Preserve affordable infill homes

    • Keep lower-income people in their affordable homes by partnering with philanthropy and other funds to assure that subsidized, below-market-rate homes in Sonoma Valley stay that way.

  • Promote affordable infill homes

    • Help create a housing policy educational series in Spanish that empowers Latinx members of La Luz Center's leadership program to advocate for their housing interests. 

    • Advocate for more and better affordable homes in projects as they arise, such as the Hanna project, in line with the SVC Housing Platform.

    • Work with our SVC Council to influence major plans: the Springs Specific Plan, the City and County General Plans, and SDC redevelopment.

    • Get low-income, middle-income, and Latinx residents heard! Help them speak at public meetings, share their views with decision-makers, and get effective press coverage. 

    • Keep on highlighting the pro-housing voices of leaders from all sectors.

AND WE CAN DO IT! We already have the commitment of leaders from Sonoma Valley's economy, environment, and social justice working together, and have leveraged the investment of our supporters and Sonoma Valley Catalyst Fund to get this far. We need your support to reach our fundraising goal of $60,000 to take these next steps toward a sustainable housing future in Sonoma Valley.

Want to learn more? We are launching a series of intimate, educational gatherings to share more about the people, connections, and actions behind Sonoma Valley Collaborative's work. Contact Kim Jones at to attend an event, or to host one!