City of Sonoma denies grand jury criticism


The 2022 Sonoma County Civil Grand Jury issued reports entitled “Affordable Housing: Monitoring and Compliance” and “Affordable Housing: Past, Present and Future.” Their findings and recommendations apply to the cities of Sonoma County, and the County itself.

Key findings: A "Lack of political will from County officials or city councils [to institute pro-affordable housing policies]." "For example...The City of Sonoma created or expanded three historic districts early in 2022, greatly limiting the possibility of expanding housing in those areas." "A recent ordinance in the City of Sonoma ... requires that any property on which a second housing unit is proposed must have at least three mature trees and ten shrubs. These requirements would limit SB 9 implementation [to foster lower-cost homes]." 

The City of Sonoma has drafted a response to the Grand Jury that disputes virtually all the findings and asserts that continuing the City's plans and procedures will address virtually all the Grand Jury's recommendations. The City's draft statements can be found in their August 17 agenda.

We encourage you to take action by August 17 by telling the City Council to take the Grand Jury’s findings seriously, and change course to remove more barriers to smaller, more affordable, infill homes, for sale and for rent.

Kim JonesComment