Sonoma Valley Collaborative

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What the Sonoma Valley Collaborative Council is saying

Here are some late-breaking insights from the diverse members of Sonoma Valley Collaborative's Council at their most recent meeting on June 8, 2022:

  • Housing continues to be a crisis at every level of the economy, impacting both for-profit and non-profit employers, workers and volunteers.

  • Non-profits are looking at how to integrate their services, such as lowering costs and increasing language capacity, in addition to addressing structural issues like geographic segregation, housing affordability, and transportation.

  • Optimistic about the tourism season this summer, helping economic recovery. However, the cost of living continues to rise.

  • Purchase prices of Sonoma Valley homes are astronomically high. But Sonoma Valley is still inexpensive compared to other parts of California, so buyers are offering $200,000 over asking price.

  • Redevelopment of SDC remains a big issue for Glen Ellen community, with the question of how to balance the "limited carrying capacity" of the area with the need for workforce housing.

  • COVID is surging across sectors, with more cases at multiple organizations and residential areas.

  • Latinos report that landlords are pressuring renters. There's a new wave of increased rents and evictions.

  • There is a need for tenant protections and efforts to preserve existing affordable housing.