Our five Sonoma County Supervisors spent January 28 planning their year ahead. Here are their priorities on housing.
Read MoreOp-ed by David Morell, Board President of Sonoma Ecology Center, our parent organization
Read MoreSix regional housing experts spent a day in Sonoma Valley last week to vet strategies that could most effectively achieve Sustainable Sonoma's housing goal.
Read MoreMany new tenant and housing-related policies come into effect in California in January 2020.
Read MoreLocal leaders weigh in on housing values
Housing strategy underway
The fires affected everyone in Sonoma Valley, and Sustainable Sonoma is about what affects everyone.
What we've done since the 2017 fires
What's next?
Statewide law now caps rent increases, to not exceed inflation plus 5% per year.
Sonoma Valley Housing Declaration clip on KRCB Public Media
Learning from a community with many similarities to Sonoma Valley
Dr. Manuel presents a “Sonoma County Affordable Housing Playbook”. Watch to learn from Dr. Manuel about the messages that we can all embrace as we collectively seek to shift local perspectives about housing.
Read MoreDr. Tiffany Manuel, President & CEO of TheCaseMade, discusses how we can elevate the conversation about housing affordability and bring new solutions to Sonoma Valley.
Read MoreArticle by Caitlin Cornwall, Sustainable Sonoma, Project Director.
Read MoreReport: Sonoma County Housing Emergency Update
Strategies for improving housing in Sonoma Valley
We, the undersigned, pledge to work together, across boundaries, to increase, improve and preserve housing that is affordable for people who live or work in the Valley within already developed areas to create diverse safe, complete neighborhoods.
Read MoreRelevant articles on Sustainable Sonoma’s conversation around housing affordability
Expert recommendations on housing
Join biking solutions book club
Workshop on listening sessions for Health Action Chapters
Sustainable Sonoma Council unpacks “housing affordability” and what that means as this coalition’s first collective goal.
Next steps for bettering Sonoma Valley's housing situation
The results of 20 listening session and 1,600 comments about what Sonoma Valley residents and workers want for the future of their community.